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‏إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات C. إظهار كافة الرسائل

Interview Questions on Fundamental of C Language set-8


1) The control automatically passes the first statement after the loop in .. A. Continue statement B. Break statement C. Switch statement D....

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Solved MCQ on Fundamental of C Language set-7


1) 'C' allows a three way transfer of control with the help of A. Unary Operator B. Relational Operator C. Ternary Operator D. Compa...

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objective type questions in c programming language set-6


1. Which symbol is used as a statement terminator in C? A) ! B) ~ C) # D) ; 2. If the size of the array is less than the number of initiali...

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Solved MCQ on C Programming Language set-5


1. What will be output of the following C program? #include int main() {int goto=5; printf("%d",goto); return 0;} A) 5 B) 10 C) *...

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MCQ on C Programming With Answers set-4


1. 'C' is often called a .... A) Object oriented language B) High level language C) Assembly language D) Machine level language 2. E...

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Write a Program in C to Find if a Number is Present in a List or not


Here is a C program to find if a number is present in a list of N numbers or not. In this program for loop is used to search a number from t...

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C Program to Find the Sum and Average of Numbers Using Do-While Loop


In this program sum and average of of the given numbers are calculated using do-while loop. Do-while loop is a looping condition where state...

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Write a Program in C to Sort a List of Numbers in Ascending Order


In the program below nested  for loop is used to sort a list of  real numbers in ascending order. This program below asks to enter how many ...

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Write a Program in C to Calculate the Factorial Value of an Integer.


Here is a program in C to calculate the factorial value of an integer. The factorial of a number is the product of all the integers between ...

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Write a Program in C to Copy a String to Another.


Here is a program in C to copy one string to another string using user defined function. Here two character arrays are defined then prompted...

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C Program to Read Set of Real Numbers from Keyboard & Find the Maximum


To write a C program to read set of real numbers from keyboard and find the maximum among them, you can use a function which takes an array...

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Write a Program in C to Determine Whether a Number is Prime or Not.


"A prime number is one, which is divisible only by 1 or itself." To determine whether a number is prime or not, we have to divide ...

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Solved MCQ of Programming in C set-3


Dependency graph for tgmath.h header file in C Programming Language (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) 1. C language is available for which of the ...

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Objective Questions of C with answer set-2


1. Hierarchy decides which operator A) is most important B) is used first C) is fastest D) Operates on largest numbers 2. A pointer can hold...

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Solved MCQ of C set-1


1. C language has been developed by A) Martin Richards B) Bijarne Stroustrup C) Dennis Ritche D) Ken Thompson 2. int[ ] ={5,6,7,8,9} What is...

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